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"I was Married To a Sex Addict, Sex Three Times a Day Wasn't Enough For My Husband" Woman reveals

My husband truly believed he owned my body and that I was in the wrong if I ever denied him access. When I wouldn’t give in to his advances because I was friggin’ tired from taking care of little kids, or not feeling well, or just because I didn’t feel like it right then, he would coldly turn his back on me and heave deep sighs of put-upon-ness, and I would cry myself to sleep because I just wanted to feel loved without having to have sex.

He told me that he was being respectful by only wanting it daily, because he thought three times a day or more would be a good amount, but even he realized that was a bit much to ask of a wife. See? He was being really respectful of me! Why didn’t I appreciate him more?

When you’re with someone that wants it all the time, there’s never a chance for you to want it. You know he’s constantly thinking about it. It’s the only way he feels like he’s living, and it drains the life out of you.

He turned to porn. I wished he would turn to other women, but as the long-suffering husband, I don’t think his psyche would allow for it. The porn further warped his sexual expectations, and his bitterness at my continued reluctance to be physically intimate with him more than three or four times a week grew.

He started ignoring me outside of the bedroom too, and I don’t think we had one real conversation the last two years of our marriage. I tried to talk to him about it, but he said there was no problem and it was all in my head, and he looooooved me so much. It was my problem, not his.

Eventually I started declining more and more, and when he touched me, I would inwardly cringe. All touch leads to sex. One of the red flags I had ignored early on in our relationship was his comment that there was no point in touching if it wasn’t going to lead to sex.
When he started just climbing on top of me, I didn’t call it rape because I didn’t stop him, even though I had told him I didn’t want to do it. I lay there, hating myself and hating him and wishing he would cheat on me so I could have an excuse to leave. He hated that I didn’t seem into anymore.

Through a friend I knew Dr Mugwenu the herbalist. He told me he would end my husband's long time addiction within a spur of moment. He offered me spells which really worked wonders on my husnand. He is no longer addicted to sex. It is not all about meeting conjugal rights but at times too much of something can be poisonous. Alot of women in many marriages have a similar problem but my advise to them is that they should seek assitance from Dr Mugwenu to mend things.

Read more on or call Dr Mugwenu on +254740637248 for more assitance.

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