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Husband Left Me For a Mpango wa Kando, Left Me Stranded With The Kids" Nairobi Lady Painfully Narrates, Reveals What She Did During Desperate Times

Am not one for rushed decisions or quick to react at the slightest provocation. Usually, or in most cases, I consult God my father first before I do anything. This however is one of those peculiar incidents that tore into my soul, left me bare and vulnerable, hurt my fragile heart deeply.

My name is Claire Mukami from Rongai, Nairobi. This is a painful reveal about what occurred in August 2018, the biggest test in my marriage that made me contemplate committing suicide. Like a double-edged sword, it should also serve as a lesson to all Mpango wa Kandos everywhere.

Our marriage was a sweet one. Me and Patrick got married in a fantabulous church wedding that made my mother proud. That was in 2008. My hubby Patrick is a clearing and forwarding officer in Mombasa, while I work as a teacher in Rongai. 

We settled peacefully after the wedding and over the next 7 years, we were blessed with three children, two girls and a boy. I officially started my teaching career in 2016 after I successfully applied and obtained a TSC number, got posted at a local primary school in Rongai.

Our marriage quickly turned into a long-distance relationship. Patrick still made the effort to visit at least once every month, usually around end-month. Initially, he was consistent, visiting every month without failure or excuses, spend time with me and the kids. 

They got excited every time end month approaches, for they knew their father would come, bearing gifts. Then out of the blue, he stopped coming. For four months straight, he was nowhere to be seen. When he did finally show up, Patrick had changed. First, he looked bored, like he didn't want to be here with us. Also, his phone had extra security, in the form of a lock pattern and a password set everywhere, including call log and WhatsApp. This was very unusual for him, as he hadn't needed those before.

When I inquired about the necessity of the passwords, he barked at me saying " Achana na simu yangu. Cha muhimu mimi niko hapa, mbona hutosheki wewe mshenzi. Huo ujinga na upumbavu pelekea watu wa kwenu". I left him alone and continued with the laundry I was doing.
Unlike previously, Patrick also came empty-handed this time. The kids were particularly disappointed, Kevin in particular, whom he had promised a bicycle after emerging top in his class. He also barely spoke to them, choosing instead to spend all weekend on the sofa, indoors watching TV and ignoring us. Worse, he also left me with nothing. Normally, he would leave me with a minimum of Kshs. 5000 for our upkeep, but this time, he claimed he was broke and only promised to send Kshs. 600 once he gets back to work in Mombasa. I instantly got spooked, knew that something was indeed wrong.
I decided to make an unannounced visit to his place in Mombasa. I knew where he lived as I too had visited him on a few weekends. I got to his house in Majengo Mapya, Tudor around 9;20pm. Before I could knock on his door, I heard pleasure sounds coming from inside, a woman saying "babe chukua yote, Patoo nataka unikosee heshima, ninyonge, Mimi ni wako. Kumbe wewe ni mtamu hivi, kai!! sikuachi". I almost fainted as it dawned on me that Patrick was cheating on me.

I shouted angrily for him to open the door, to which he responded " Who told you to come here Claire?? Go back to Rongai you fat fuck!! You are not welcome here. I will call you when I need you. Am busy right now, doing something important to someone important". It was only after I threatened him with screams that he opened the door. First things first, I attacked the woman on his bed with kicks and blows. Patrick shamelessly picked her side, a brown lady with long hair and slim legs. He intervened and took her outside, even handed her fare back. He couldn't hide his anger as he said "You are shapeless, upende usipende nitamuoa. She is my soulmate while you are no longer part of my plans" words that tore my heart into two and left my legs wobbling.
I slept on the couch as Patrick didn't even want to see me. He removed the wedding early the next morning and handed it over saying " I want you gone. Bye, and never ever come back unless you are ready to die a painful death". I left, in tears and booked a ticket, initially got confused and said I was going to Kisumu rather than Nairobi. It was the worst journey ever, as I couldn't eat or think of anything else.

Less than a month later, I got the news that Patrick had married Pamela, his Mpango wa Kando. He pushed us out, including his children. He wouldn't answer my calls. He didn't even bother to find out how his children were doing. I had to play a dual role of father and mother to them. Provide, pay school fees, rent, take care of literally everything. Realistically, I had lost my man to another woman. I got to my knees to pray every night, hoping that my situation will change. Eventually, I realized it was up to me to bring Patrick back. I couldn't process that another woman, a Mpango wa Kando, could snatch my husband from my grasp. I wasn't going to sit and do nothing. Through social media, Facebook actually, I found out about Dr. Mugwenu, a traditional herbalist from a page called Mugwenu Doctors and Services. I booked an appointment and visited their offices in Nairobi. He also gave me the email to tell him anything I feel and keep him in the loop of anything. His phone number +254740637248, brought the name of Dr. Mugwenu on true caller on my phone.

Just a few days after visiting Dr. Mugwenu, my husband Patrick called, saying that his thing has totally failed to perform, even after a change in diet and using stimulatory drugs. He also admitted to be under a lot of pain, and knowing that I was a prayerful woman asked me to pray for him saying that he was scared that he was going to die soon.
It was only after doing that through Dr. Mugwenu's powers that Patrick returned. We have been living together as a happy family and a cute couple since then. I recommend Dr. Mugwenu to other women out there whose husbands have abandoned them for a clande. Dr. Mugwenu, just like he helped me stabilize my marriage and get back my lost husband, will do the same for you without failure, complications or complicated conditions.
"I advise anyone with similar problem to visit Dr. Mugwenu"

Just like a medical doctor, Dr. Mugwenu does a diagnosis on his clients by asking a few questions for self-introspection in the area of one's life such as obstacles, challenges in financial and physical aspects, among others.

"I am taking this opportunity to tell anyone on this blog having similar problem visit Dr. Mugwenu at and your problems shall be solved,"

Dr. Mugwenu says his spell casting powers work within 24 hours, mostly happening the same day they are released, and handles general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protection of family and property, as well as accurate foretelling of one's future."

Many others who have been assisted by Dr. Mugwenu say they have received powerful healing and are now more connected to their fellow lonely hearts.

Contact herbalist Dr. Mugwenu
He heals pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhea, syphilis, TB, manhood weakness etc.
He also solves life problems: love issues, family problems, hardships in business, increases your luck, i.e. winning lottery games and court cases, promotion at work, clears away devilish spirits and dreams.For consultation call: +254740637248
 Here are some of the reviews from Mugwenu's other  happy and satisfied customers:
   Lover comes back

Here the updated as you have requested on my situation. I have had amazing things happen during the first week of my casting. Jason has done a 360 and is now talking with me and wanting to spend time with me again.

I can't believe after all that has happened he actually turned around and started talking and wanting to be with me. It's AMAZING! You are like a god sends an angel in my life. What can I say? Veronica and he just split up and he wants now to be with me.

We went out last night and he confessed his love for me and the love told me how much he wanted to be with me. I still cannot believe that he has turned around like this. I am in shock. He was so dead set on Veronica and not wanting to be with me that I could not see it turning around. You know you were my last hope. After being disappointed by many spell casters that just wanted my money I am glad that I put my faith in just one more person. I am in your debt for a life time!
 "My neck doesn't hurt any more"

I am forever grateful for your help, kindness and patience with me. The pain I was feeling in my neck left the way you promised and I don't feel all that negative energy around me and the black magic I don't feel it anymore. You are the best! Thank you thank you, thank you, a thousand times Christopher Mumanyi.

 "My wife is home again!"

After all the spell-casters I tried before, you were my last chance, and you kept your promise! My wife wrote me such a touching letter last week! She wants to live with me and the kids again! I really feel I'm living again! Thank you for making all this possible!
Paul Ouma.

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