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A 23 Year Old Kenyan Lady Hawked Sweets In The Streets But Later Got a Job After This Spell

Grace, a 23-year-old graduate from Nairobi University, had big dreams after completing her studies.

She envisioned herself working in a prestigious company, climbing the career ladder, and making a significant impact. However, the reality of unemployment hit her hard, and her dreams seemed to drift further away with each passing day.

After graduation, Grace was enthusiastic and optimistic about finding a job. She polished her resume, crafted numerous cover letters, and applied to countless job openings.

Despite her efforts, she faced rejection after rejection. The competitive job market in Kenya made it difficult for her to secure a position, and the constant disappointment began to take a toll on her morale.

Grace was determined not to give up. She believed in her abilities and knew that hard work and perseverance would eventually pay off.

However, as months turned into a year, her savings dwindled, and the pressure to make ends meet became overwhelming. She needed a source of income, and fast.

Faced with the harsh reality of unemployment, Grace decided to take matters into her own hands. She refused to sit idle and wait for a job to come to her.

Instead, she turned to hawking sweets in the streets of Nairobi. It was a job she never imagined herself doing, but it provided her with a way to earn money and support herself.

Each day, Grace would wake up early, prepare her sweets, and head to the busy streets. She would walk for hours, selling her sweets to passersby, hoping to make enough to cover her basic needs.

The work was tiring and physically demanding, but Grace remained resilient. She was grateful for the opportunity to earn an income, even if it wasn't the job she had dreamed of.

Grace's journey as a street hawker was not easy. The hot sun and long hours took a toll on her physically, but she pushed through the challenges.

She knew that this was a temporary phase and believed that better days were ahead. Despite the hardships, she managed to make a decent income, earning between 800 and 1,000 shillings a day. This amount was enough to pay her rent and put food on the table.

As she worked, Grace couldn't help but compare her situation to that of her classmates. Many of them had secured jobs in reputable companies and were moving forward in their careers. Grace felt a pang of envy but quickly reminded herself that everyone's journey was different. She focused on her own path and kept her spirits high.

Throughout her job search and time as a street hawker, Grace remained true to her values. She refused to compromise her principles to secure a job.

Unlike some of her peers, she chose not to engage in unethical practices, such as bribing officials or offering favors in exchange for employment. Grace believed that her hard work and integrity would eventually lead her to the right opportunity.

Grace's resolve was tested when she received several job offers that came with strings attached.

Some employers wanted her to work for three months without pay as a trial period to assess her skills. However, Grace knew that she couldn't afford to work without an income, as she needed money for her daily expenses. She declined these offers, holding onto her belief that the right job would come her way without compromising her values.

As time went on, Grace's hope began to wane. She wondered if she would ever find the job she had dreamed of.

One day, while scrolling through social media, she came across a post about Dr. Mugwenu, a traditional healer known for his powerful spells. Desperate for a breakthrough, Grace decided to reach out to him.

She contacted Dr. Mugwenu, explaining her situation and her desire to find a stable job. Dr. Mugwenu listened to her story and assured her that he could help.

He promised to cast a job spell that would open doors for her and bring her the employment she longed for. Grace was hopeful but also skeptical. She had never believed in spells before, but her desperation pushed her to try anything that could potentially change her situation.

After receiving the job spell from Dr. Mugwenu, Grace noticed a shift in her luck almost immediately.

Within a week, she received a call for an interview at a well-known organization. This was the first interview she had been invited to in months, and she couldn't believe her luck. She prepared thoroughly, determined to make a good impression.

On the day of the interview, Grace was nervous but confident. She answered the questions with poise and showcased her skills and experience.

A few days later, she received the news she had been waiting for – she got the job! The organization offered her a position with a high salary, recognizing her potential and dedication.

Grace's life took a positive turn after securing the job. She no longer had to hawk sweets in the streets, and she could finally focus on building her career.

The job provided her with financial stability and a sense of fulfillment. She was grateful for the opportunity and determined to make the most of it.

Grace's story is a testament to the power of resilience and the importance of staying true to one's values.

Despite the challenges she faced, she never gave up on her dreams and continued to work hard. Her journey taught her valuable lessons about perseverance, integrity, and the importance of seeking help when needed.

Inspired by her own experience, Grace wanted to share her story with other young people facing similar challenges.

She believed that her journey could inspire others to keep pushing forward, no matter how difficult the circumstances. She encouraged the youth not to give up on their dreams and to keep hustling until they achieved their goals.

Grace emphasized the importance of staying active and not falling into complacency. She urged young people to explore different opportunities and not to be afraid of starting small.

Grace's experience as a street hawker taught her valuable skills in entrepreneurship and resilience, which ultimately helped her succeed in her career.

Grace's story would not be complete without mentioning the significant role Dr. Mugwenu played in her journey.

His job spell was the turning point that opened doors for her and brought her the job she had been longing for. Grace was grateful for his help and wanted to spread the word about his services.

Dr. Mugwenu is known for his powerful spells and healing abilities. He handles a wide range of issues, from employment and financial problems to health issues and family disputes.

His spells are said to work within 24 hours, providing quick and effective solutions to those in need. Many people have testified to the success of his spells, and Grace's story is just one of many.

For those interested in Dr. Mugwenu's services, he can be contacted at +254 740 637 248 or via email at His website,, provides more testimonials and information about his work.

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