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"Watarudia Ama" Photographer Lands To Trouble After Discovering Camera Didn't Record Anything After Wedding

The photographer, hired to capture precious moments, found out later that his camera hadn’t captured anything at all.

The story came to light when Oluwanishola Akeju shared the unfortunate tale on social media. According to Oluwanishola, the photographer attended the wedding, seemingly busy taking photos throughout the event. 

However, when he checked his camera afterward, he was shocked to discover that none of the moments had been recorded.Understandably, the couple was furious. 

They took action against the photographer, reportedly even detaining him and demanding a refund of the money paid for his services. 

Oluwanishola highlighted the photographer’s plight, mentioning that he had reached out for financial assistance after the incident.

The incident sparked a wave of reactions online. Some people sympathized with the photographer, suggesting such mistakes could happen unintentionally. 

Others criticized him for being careless, questioning how he could overlook such a crucial aspect of his job.

One commenter recalled a similar incident where a colleague almost made the same mistake but caught it early enough to rectify it.

For the couple, the absence of wedding photos and videos meant missing out on cherished memories that could never be recaptured.

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