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Nairobi CBD Protester Alleges Police Use of Substandard Tear Gas, Accuse Them Of Using Fake Teargas

In a heated demonstration at the city center, a protester voiced sharp criticism against the local police, accusing them of deploying ineffective tear gas. The incident unfolded during a rally organized to advocate for social justice and police reform.

"We were peacefully protesting when suddenly tear gas was fired at us. But it didn't work properly—it just made us cough a bit," exclaimed Sarah, a participant in the protest. 

She went on to describe the scene as chaotic yet subdued, with many protesters expressing confusion over the supposed tear gas's potency.

Witnesses reported that the tear gas, meant to disperse crowds, appeared to have minimal effect, failing to induce the expected discomfort among demonstrators. 

This led to accusations from some protesters that the police were using "fake" tear gas, a claim that stirred additional unrest among the gathered crowd.

Local authorities have yet to respond to these allegations. The police department, when approached for comment, reaffirmed their commitment to maintaining public safety and enforcing the law, without specifically addressing the quality of tear gas used during the protest.

Protests like these have become increasingly common in recent months, as communities across the country grapple with issues of police accountability and methods of crowd control. 

Critics argue that incidents like the one witnessed today undermine public trust and highlight the need for greater transparency in police operations.

"We have a right to protest peacefully, and tear gas should only be used as a last resort," remarked David, another protester who joined the rally. He emphasized the importance of ensuring that law enforcement tactics align with principles of human rights and dignity.

The controversy surrounding the tear gas incident has sparked debates on social media, with many users expressing solidarity with the protesters and condemning what they perceive as excessive use of force by authorities. 

Calls for an independent investigation into the allegations have also surfaced, urging authorities to clarify the circumstances surrounding the deployment of tear gas during the demonstration.

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