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"We're Going To Defeat The Gangs" Ruto Receives Haiti Assessment Report; Exude Confidence 1000 Kenyan Police Will Tame Gangs

President William Ruto expressed his confidence in the Kenya Police's ability to wipe out the gangs in Haiti. The president received the assessment report on Friday, May 31. Photo: William Ruto.
Source: Facebook

President William Ruto of Kenya has received the assessment report on the country's situation. With a firm stance, Ruto has expressed confidence in Kenya's ability to address the gang issues in Haiti, firmly stating, "We're going to defeat the gangs."

The assessment report, delivered to President Ruto on Friday, May 31, provides crucial insights into Haiti's current state, enabling Kenya to strategize effectively for the peacekeeping mission. Ruto's confidence stems from Kenya's reputation and capacity for conducting successful peace missions in Africa.

Kenya's involvement in the peacekeeping mission to Haiti stems from the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Resolution Mandate 2699 of 2023, which entrusted Kenya with the responsibility of leading the multinational Security Support Mission (MSS) to tackle the gang-related turmoil in Haiti.

Defense Cabinet Secretary Aden Duale echoed Ruto's sentiment, emphasizing Kenya's readiness and capabilities in successfully stabilizing gang-infested regions. Duale highlighted the specialized units within the Kenyan police force, which are poised to tackle the challenges head-on upon deployment to Haiti.

The postponement of the mission, initially scheduled earlier, was a strategic decision by President Ruto to ensure adequate preparation. The assessment team identified the need for further readiness, as the designated camps for Kenyan police officers were not yet fully prepared.

Despite the delay, Ruto remains undeterred, citing the forthcoming support from the United States Defense Department. The partnership aims to bolster Kenya's peacekeeping efforts in Haiti by providing essential resources such as communication centers, intelligence sharing, and logistical support.

President Ruto's confidence resonates with the commitment of the Kenyan government to fulfill the mandate outlined in UNSC Resolution 2699 (2023). The mission signifies Kenya's dedication to global peacekeeping efforts and solidarity with nations facing turmoil and instability.

As Kenya prepares to deploy 1000 police officers to Haiti, Ruto urges patience from the Kenyan populace, assuring them of the government's unwavering commitment to ensuring a successful peacekeeping mission. The forthcoming endeavor symbolizes Kenya's pledge to contribute positively to international peace and security.

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