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STDs were killing my husband and sometimes I dreamt with his death until this happened to me

It was a typical Thursday afternoon, one of those warm days when the sun hovers lazily in the sky over our small town in Uganda. I had just returned from the market, arms laden with groceries, and was looking forward to preparing dinner for my family. But as I stepped into our modest home, I could sense that something was off. My husband, always so full of life and laughter, sat quietly in the corner, staring at the floor.

I approached him cautiously, asking if something was wrong, but he simply shrugged, avoiding eye contact. This wasn’t like him. We had always been open with each other, sharing everything, no matter how difficult. The silence that followed lingered like a heavy fog, and deep down, I knew that whatever it was, it wasn’t something small.

Days passed, and his strange behavior continued. He became distant, spending more time outside and withdrawing from the warmth of our marriage. My heart ached, wondering what had changed. I tried asking him directly several times, but he would brush it off, assuring me that he was just tired or stressed. But I knew better. Something was deeply troubling him.Read more.....

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