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“My Husband Buys Prostitutes From Entebbe Road, He Can’t Even Buy Food Home” Pastor’s Wife Shares Her Heartbreaking Story

Rose never imagined she would be in this position. Married to a man of God, Pastor James, she thought she had found her soulmate a loving, faithful, and responsible partner.

But her once beautiful life turned into a nightmare when she discovered her husband had been spending the church’s money on prostitutes from Entebbe Road. Worse still, he had stopped providing for their home, leaving her and their children to fend for themselves.

Now, after a long and painful journey, Rose is finally ready to share her story, and how the intervention of Mugwenu Doctors helped transform her husband into a better man and restore her faith in their marriage.

“When I married James, he was a humble and devoted man of God,” Rose begins her story. “He was respected in the community, and people admired him for his preaching and dedication to the church. I felt blessed to have him as my husband.”

For years, they lived what seemed like the perfect life. Rose stood by her husband as he built his ministry, and they were blessed with three children. But over time, things began to change. James, once a responsible and God-fearing man, began staying out late and coming home with excuses. At first, Rose didn’t think much of it. But soon, she started noticing the signs.

“He started acting distant, and I could tell something was wrong,” she recalls. “Our finances were suffering, and the love and care he once showed me and the children disappeared. He stopped buying food for the house, and when I confronted him, he became defensive.”

It wasn’t long before Rose uncovered the heartbreaking truth her husband, the pastor, was using church money to buy prostitutes along Entebbe Road.

“The first time I found out, it felt like the world had collapsed around me,” Rose says, tears welling in her eyes. “I couldn’t believe the man I married, the man who preached about faithfulness and love, was doing something like that. Worse still, while he was out spending on prostitutes, his own children were going hungry at home.”

The news of James’ infidelity broke Rose’s heart. She was torn between her faith and her duty as a wife. How could she support him in his ministry when he was living a double life? Rose tried talking to him, but her words seemed to fall on deaf ears.James continued down the destructive path, and their marriage grew more strained by the day.

“I felt helpless. I prayed, I fasted, but nothing seemed to change. I was losing hope,” Rose confesses.

Just when Rose thought things couldn’t get any worse, a close friend suggested she seek help from Mugwenu Doctors, traditional healers known for their ability to restore broken relationships and provide spiritual healing.

“At first, I was skeptical,” Rose admits. “As a pastor’s wife, it felt strange to turn to traditional healers. But I had tried everything else prayer, counseling and nothing was working. I was desperate.”

With her friend’s encouragement, Rose visited Mugwenu Doctors. She explained her situation, and they listened with understanding. After a consultation, they performed a spiritual cleansing ritual and gave Rose instructions on how to handle her husband moving forward. They also provided her with a special charm, which they said would help restore the love and peace in her home.

“I left their place feeling hopeful for the first time in months,” Rose says. “They assured me that my husband would return to his senses and become the man I once knew.”

It didn’t happen overnight, but slowly, Rose began to notice changes in James. He stopped staying out late, and the secretive behavior ceased. One evening, James sat down with Rose and admitted everything. He confessed his wrongdoings, apologized for the hurt he had caused, and vowed to change his ways.

“I couldn’t believe what I was hearing,” Rose recalls. “He told me he had been battling with temptation and felt ashamed of what he had done. He said he wanted to become a better man, not just for me, but for our children and the church.”

James sought forgiveness not only from Rose but also from his congregation. He publicly confessed his sins and took a break from his pastoral duties to work on himself. With Rose’s support, James began a journey of self-reflection and healing. He sought guidance from spiritual mentors and became more involved in his family’s life.

“It was like I had my husband back,” Rose says with a smile. “He started providing for the home again, and the love we had for each other was rekindled. It was a difficult journey, but with the help of Mugwenu Doctors, we were able to save our marriage.”

Today, Rose and James are stronger than ever. James has returned to his pastoral duties, and their marriage is once again a source of strength and inspiration to others. Rose, who once felt trapped in despair, now speaks openly about their struggles in the hope of helping other women in similar situations.

“I’m not ashamed to say that we needed help,” Rose says. “Sometimes, we think we can handle everything on our own, but that’s not always the case. I thank Mugwenu Doctors for helping us find our way back to each other. They truly saved my family.”

Rose’s story is a powerful reminder that no marriage is beyond saving, and with the right help, even the most broken relationships can be healed.

“We still have challenges,” Rose admits, “but now we face them together, with love and understanding. I’m grateful to God and Mugwenu Doctors for giving us a second chance.”



To book an appointment or for more information, call/WhatsApp Dr. Mugwenu on +254 740 637 248 /Email: or visit

Treatment & Healing services offered within Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. | Contact Number: +254 740 637 248

Location: Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda

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