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From the Day I Stepped into Gikomba, I Knew the Challenges Ahead—But Here’s What I Did to Build a Successful Mutumba Business

I had heard countless stories of people using traditional spells and charms to achieve success or to fight misfortunes in their businesses. Yet, for the longest time, I remained skeptical.

Even when things took a turn for the worst in my shop at Gikomba Market, I still held onto the belief that hard work and persistence were the key to overcoming all obstacles. That was until I almost lost everything I had built, and I realized I needed more than just determination to save my livelihood.

Gikomba is known to be one of the busiest markets in Nairobi, where traders battle for customers in a highly competitive environment. When I started my shop, I had a clear goal — to establish myself as the go-to place for high-quality second-hand clothes. For a while, everything was perfect. I saw a steady increase in my earnings, and my shop quickly gained a reputation among customers.

But then, out of nowhere, things started going downhill. My customers dwindled, my stock began to vanish mysteriously, and I’d arrive in the morning to find damaged or misplaced items.

The peak of the mystery was when, one night, I closed my shop after a day of dismal sales only to return the next morning to find that all my clothes were gone. Yet, the locks and doors remained untouched. How was this even possible?

The most frustrating part was watching my competitors thrive while I sank deeper into despair. My next-door rival, with whom I had once been on friendly terms, suddenly began attracting all my regular customers.

She even started selling the same items I specialized in. Every attempt I made to regain my clientele proved futile. I felt as if I was fighting a losing battle against an invisible enemy.

I was on the brink of giving up when an old family friend visited my stall one day. After hearing my plight, she suggested that my predicament might not be natural and advised me to seek help from Mugwenu Doctors. She explained that in the past, many traders in Gikomba had faced similar issues and that Mugwenu’s spells had restored their businesses.

Desperation finally made me listen. I called Mugwenu Doctors and explained my situation. To my surprise, he didn’t dismiss my concerns as mere paranoia.

Instead, he told me that cases like mine were common in competitive business environments, where people resorted to dark means to eliminate rivals. Mugwenu agreed to help me, and I felt a strange sense of hope and relief.

I traveled to Vihiga County to meet Mugwenu Doctors in person. Upon arrival, I found many people already waiting—some seeking healing, others looking for spells to attract luck and prosperity. When my turn came, Mugwenu ushered me into a small consultation room filled with various herbs, charms, and traditional tools.

After listening to my story, he nodded thoughtfully and said, “Your business has been cursed by a rival. This is why everything you try seems to backfire. You need a powerful business protection spell, and I will perform a cleansing ritual to remove any negative energies surrounding your shop.”

Mugwenu’s assistants brought out several items—a gourd filled with herbs, a small pouch of charms, and a concoction that smelled like a mix of burnt wood and incense. He instructed me to sprinkle the powder around my shop and hang the charms at the entrance, explaining that these would create a protective barrier.

The ritual itself involved chanting and burning specific herbs that filled the room with an intense aroma. I was then given a small potion to drink, which Mugwenu said would cleanse me of any lingering negative energies.

After completing the rituals, I returned to Gikomba Market with renewed optimism. I followed Mugwenu’s instructions carefully. 

Every evening, I sprinkled the powder around my shop and made sure the charms were in place. To my astonishment, within just a few days, things began to change.

The first sign was when customers who had long disappeared started coming back. People who used to avoid my shop now lingered around, inquiring about new stock and expressing renewed interest in my products. I saw a sharp increase in sales, and for the first time in months, I felt hopeful again.

One morning, I arrived at my shop to find all the clothes that had gone missing suddenly reappeared, neatly folded and arranged. I was in shock. How could they have returned without anyone noticing? I knew then that Mugwenu’s spell had worked.

Curious to know who was behind my suffering, I went back to Mugwenu. He agreed to perform a divination session that revealed the identity of the person responsible for casting the curse. 

To my horror, it was my neighboring shop owner—the very same person who had mysteriously started selling the same items as I did. Mugwenu warned me not to seek revenge but to focus on protecting my business.

With the protection spell in place, I watched as my rival’s business started to decline. Her customers left one by one, and she eventually closed her shop. It was evident that whatever power she had used to curse me had backfired on her.

My business has since flourished beyond my wildest dreams. I’ve expanded my stock, introduced new products, and even opened a second stall in Gikomba. 

Today, I’m not only back on my feet but stronger than ever before. People who knew my struggles ask me how I managed to bounce back, and I proudly share my experience.

I now understand that sometimes, in the ruthless world of business, it’s not just about having the best products or lowest prices. It’s about ensuring that you are spiritually and energetically protected. 

I’m grateful to Mugwenu Doctors for not only saving my business but also for giving me the courage to fight back against forces I didn’t even believe existed.

I still sprinkle the powder around my shop every evening and keep the charms in place. I’ve learned to trust in their power, knowing that they safeguard me from any future harm. 

My experience has taught me that there’s more to life and business than what meets the eye. If you’re struggling with unexplained misfortunes, don’t dismiss the possibility of dark forces at play. Seek help, protect yourself, and trust the process.

Treatment & Healing services offered within Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. | Contact Number: +254 740 637 248
Location: Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda

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