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Sharlene Wambui Reveals How African Spell Helped Her to Breastfeed Her Newborn Baby

For three weeks, I lived in frustration and confusion, unable to nurse my newborn. The pain was unbearable, but worse than the physical discomfort was the emotional toll it took on me.

I had never imagined that something as simple and natural as breastfeeding would become an impossible task. It was as if my body had turned against me, and no matter what I tried, I couldn’t provide for my child.

Doctors were puzzled, too. They couldn’t find any medical explanation for why my breasts, though full of milk, wouldn’t let me feed my baby. I tried everything they suggested, but nothing worked. I was beyond frustrated. What I didn’t know at the time was that the source of my suffering had nothing to do with my health—it was far more sinister than that.

 I had always felt a certain tension with my husband’s family, but I brushed it off as normal in-law friction. After all, it’s not uncommon for relationships to be strained, especially when families are blending.

However, things had grown worse since I gave birth to my second child. The cold stares, the passive-aggressive comments—it all seemed to intensify. But I had no idea just how deep their hatred for me went.

It wasn’t until my neighbour, an elderly woman who had always been kind to me, approached me one afternoon that I started to piece things together. She had noticed I hadn’t been out much, and when I explained my struggles with breastfeeding, she lowered her voice and told me something that sent a chill down my spine.

“Your in-laws,” she said quietly, “have been talking. They don’t want you in the family, and they’re doing everything they can to push you out.”

 I was stunned. “What do you mean?” I asked her, trying to wrap my head around what she was saying.

“They’ve gone to a traditional healer,” she continued. “They’ve put a curse on you, so you can’t feed your baby. They want to make you look like a failure as a mother, hoping that their son will leave you.”

 The words hit me like a ton of bricks. Could this really be happening? At first, I wanted to dismiss it as ridiculous superstition, but deep down, something clicked. The unexplained symptoms, the way things had been going downhill ever since I had the baby—it all suddenly made sense.

I was heartbroken, angry, and terrified all at once. How could they be so cruel? How could my own in-laws go to such lengths to destroy me, to ruin my relationship with their son? And worse, how could they use my child as a pawn in their twisted game?

Desperate, I didn’t know where to turn. The doctors couldn’t help me, and I felt like I was running out of options. But the same neighbour who had warned me also gave me a glimmer of hope. “If they’ve gone to a traditional healer to curse you,” she said, “then you need to fight fire with fire. There’s someone who can help—Mugwenu Doctors.”

 I had heard of them before. Mugwenu Doctors were known for their powerful traditional spells and remedies, helping people with everything from health issues to relationship problems. Many people in Kisii and even beyond had gone to them for help and had seen their lives turn around. I never thought I’d find myself needing such help, but at that moment, I was willing to do anything to protect my family.

 That night, I made the decision to contact them. I explained my situation, laying out everything that had happened—the sudden inability to breastfeed, the strained relationship with my in-laws, and the disturbing conversation with my neighbour. They listened carefully, and without hesitation, confirmed that I was indeed under spiritual attack.

“There’s a dark force at work here,” they told me. “Your in-laws have used marine spirits to block your ability to nurse and to create tension in your marriage. They want to drive you out of the family.”

Hearing it said aloud made it feel all the more real, and I was filled with a mixture of dread and hope. The Mugwenu Doctors assured me they could help.

They performed a marriage protection spell to shield my relationship with my husband from any negative energy. They also cast a powerful spell to remove the curse that had been placed on me and restore my ability to breastfeed.

 I followed their instructions closely, and within a few days, I felt a change. It was as if a heavy weight had been lifted from me. 

The pain in my breasts began to ease, and one morning, I woke up and was able to nurse my baby without any struggle. The relief I felt in that moment was indescribable. I had my body back, my strength back, and most importantly, I could care for my child the way I was meant to.

But that wasn’t the only change. Slowly, the atmosphere in my home began to shift. My husband, who had been distant and stressed for weeks, started to reconnect with me.

We talked more openly, and I could see that whatever had been clouding his judgment was fading away. The tension between us evaporated, and we were able to find our way back to each other.

As for my in-laws, they didn’t say much, but I could tell they knew their plan had failed. They stopped interfering in our marriage, and though things will never be perfect between us, I no longer live in fear of their schemes. I’ve learned to protect myself and my family, both physically and spiritually.

Looking back, I can’t believe how close I came to losing everything—my health, my marriage, my peace of mind—all because of the malice of others. But I’m stronger now. I’ve seen firsthand that there’s more to life than what we can see with our eyes, and I’ve learned the importance of seeking help when you’re up against forces beyond your control.

I owe so much to Mugwenu Doctors for helping me reclaim my life. Without their intervention, I don’t know where I’d be today. The idea that someone could use marine spirits to destroy my family sounded absurd at first, but now I know that these things are real, and they can have devastating effects if left unchecked.

 Today, I’m happy, healthy, and stronger than ever. My relationship with my husband is back on track, and I’m able to focus on being the best mother I can be. 

The experience was a wake-up call, a reminder that sometimes, the battles we fight aren’t just physical—they’re spiritual, too. And when those battles come, it’s important to know where to turn for help.

Treatment & Healing services offered within Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. | Contact Number: +254 740 637 248
Location: Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda

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