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I Sent Bees To Arrest 3 Who Robbed Me Ksh 1.8Million From My Soda Sales

A businessman in Maralal lost KSh 1.8 million after smartly dressed individuals, who later turned out to be thieves, raided his soda depot.

According to the investor, Victor, the four suspects posed as customers and showed up at his store on Friday around 2pm

The day was busy, with most retailers coming to restock their soda supplies, making the depot a beehive of activity.

The suspects approached him, pretending to want to do business, but later pulled rifles from their suits and ordered him to direct his cash officers to surrender all the money.

“They had no option but to give them cash as requested to avoid being shot dead. To drive more fear, they shot in the air and drove away in a getaway car that was on standby,” said Victor. “I tried contacting the security officials but in vain. They were not picking calls,” he continued.

Victor says he had to seek alternative means to recover his money. He had just taken a KSh 700,000 loan to restock his business and was expecting to make good sales.

He quickly contacted Daktari Mugwenu Doctors, who swung into action and unleashed his bees, which at around 4 pm attacked the four thieves at their hideout.

“I am happy that my money was recovered. The robbers were stung by bees. They dropped the wads of cash and started battling bees but in vain. They were rescued after the herbalist was informed of their plight and withdrew the bees after the police arrived. The four were taken in,” said Victor.

Mugwenu Doctors also helped a supermarket manager in Kakamega town recover his household items stolen by thugs.Jumbe returned home at 9 pm on the fateful day only to find his house had been swept clean.

“My wife had left for her rural home in Alego when the thugs invaded our house and stole everything. At first, I thought I had entered the wrong house, but after informing my neighbors, they told me that some people had come with a lorry and had picked up everything,” he said.

Jumbe, left wondering what to do next, contacted Mugwenu Doctors, who, after performing their specialty, caught up with the thieves in the Mayoni market as they were about to start selling the items at a throwaway price.

“They were stung by bees until they fled, leaving behind the household items, which I later picked up the next day. I was able to recover my TV, woofer, fridge, sofa sets, and other valuable items,” said Jumbe.

Daktari also catches cheating spouses by making them inseparable once they start having affairs with secret lovers. He has medicine to improve libido in men, remedies that reverse barrenness in women, treatments that improve sperm count in men, and solutions that make couples happy at home. 

The medicine man also has treatments from India that help settle debts, remove witchcraft, and improve businesses.

He has medicine that helps improve children’s academic performance, medications and ancient interventions that attract jobs, improve farm produce, and he is also known for counseling alcoholics out of their addictions.

Mugwenu Doctors say their spell-casting powers work within 24 hours, usually within the same day they are released. They handle general problems ranging from winning court cases, winning the lottery, protecting family and property, as well as accurately foretelling one’s future.

Many others who have been assisted by Mugwenu Doctors say they have received powerful healing.Contact herbalist Mugwenu. They heal pressure, diabetes, ulcers, gonorrhoea, syphilis, TB, and manhood weakness, among other things

The doctors also solve life’s challenges such as love issues, family problems, and hardships in business, increase your luck, that is, winning lottery games and court cases, promotions at work, and clear away devilish spirits and dreams.

Mugwenu Doctors exercise doctor-patient confidentiality; neither the patient’s file records, identity, nor secrets are shared with a third party or made public unless the patient/on their own volition wishes to give a testimony. 

Mugwenu Doctor’s offices are located in Majengo Town, Vihiga County, Western Kenya.Contact Mugwenu Doctors for free consultations today.• Email: • Website: • Phone: +254740637248

Treatment & Healing services offered within Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda and Rwanda. | Contact Number: +254 740 637 248
Location: Kenya, South Africa, Zambia, Tanzania, Uganda, Rwanda

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