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Leave Alone Stopping Gen Zs, Ruto Finally Reveals Why He Made Deal With Raila's ODM

President William Ruto has strongly defended his decision to include opposition members in his Kenya Kwanza government through the appointment of some Azimio politicians to join his Cabinet.

Speaking in Embu County on Wednesday, August 7, 2024, President Ruto stated that this move would help bring development to the country.

Clarifying further, the head of state said that through a national unity government, they would work together to address the challenges facing the country.

“I vowed to unite all Kenyans, and recently I have formed an inclusive government. Even those who were making noise outside, I have told them to come so that we can work together to find resources, pay debts, and collect taxes,” the President said.

In July 2024, just days after dissolving his Cabinet, President Ruto appointed John Mbadi as the Minister of Finance and National Treasury, Opiyo Wandayi (Energy), former Mombasa Governor Hassan Joho (Mining and Blue Economy), and former Kakamega Governor Wycliffe Oparanya to oversee the Ministry of Cooperatives and Development of Small and Medium Enterprises. All these appointees are opposition politicians from Azimio.

Following the continued rise in the cost of living and the economy, where Dr. Ruto has been criticized for increasing Value Added Tax (VAT), especially on essential basic commodities, his critics have given him the nickname Zakayo.

President Ruto has been quoted several times stating that he is not bothered by people calling him Zakayo.

Defending the appointment of several Azimio politicians to join the Kenya Kwanza government’s Cabinet, he claimed he does not want to be called Zakayo alone.

“I do not want to be Zakayo alone; everyone should come and be Zakayo here,” Dr. Ruto told the public in Kanyuambora, Mbeere North, during his visit to Embu County.

In what appeared to be an explanation of the transparency in his operations, especially in tax collection, the President said that when the taxes are collected, they are directed to the National Treasury account.

“When the taxes are collected, are they sent to my account (Ruto’s)? They are sent to the National Treasury account. Everyone should come here so we can discuss how to pay debts, how to collect taxes, and how to plan development so that Kenya can move forward,” he explained.

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