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Kiambu Man Makes a Scene After Seeing Wife’s Ritual

In Kiambu, Kenya, a man named Mike Kinyua caused quite a commotion on Thursday night when he went to a local police station completely naked.

Kinyua was reporting his wife’s strange behavior that he had witnessed during the night, which left him terrified and confused.

According to Kinyua, he was asleep in his bedroom when he suddenly woke up to see his wife dancing near his bed and sprinkling water on him. She was chanting unfamiliar words and had a peculiar expression on her face. Kinyua described feeling a cold sensation on his body, leading him to believe that his wife might be trying to harm or bewitch him.

Distressed by the sight, Kinyua attempted to confront his wife, but she ignored him and continued with her ritual. Feeling helpless and frightened, he decided to flee from the house. In his panic, he didn’t bother to dress; he just grabbed his phone and wallet and ran to the police station.

At the station, Kinyua demanded that the police arrest his wife and investigate her actions. He suspected that she was involved in occult practices and wanted to uncover the truth. Despite his love for her, Kinyua could not accept her bizarre behavior.

The police officers were shocked by Kinyua’s appearance and his story. They calmed him down, provided him with some clothes, and went with him back to his house. There, they found Kinyua’s wife, Mary Wanjiku, still in the bedroom, and they took her into custody.

During questioning, Mary admitted that she had been performing a ritual to make her husband love her more. She explained that she had consulted some fake traditional doctors from Kitui, who had tricked her into paying 100,000 shillings. They instructed her to carry out the ritual involving water, herbs, and chants to improve her marriage.

Mary expressed her regret for falling for the scam and acknowledged that the fake doctors had deceived her. She was desperate to save her marriage and had hoped that the ritual would strengthen her relationship with her husband. Mary apologized for scaring Kinyua and assured him that she had no intention of causing him harm.

She also warned others about fraudulent traditional doctors who exploit people’s desperation for solutions. Mary advised that many such scammers only seek to profit from people’s problems and do not offer genuine help.

The police released Mary after taking her statement and advised the couple to seek professional counseling from legitimate sources. They also promised to track down and arrest the fraudulent traditional doctors, charging them with fraud and deception.

If you are facing challenges in your marriage and want to improve your relationship, it’s essential to avoid falling prey to fake traditional doctors. Instead, consider reaching out to reputable and experienced practitioners like Mugwenu Doctors.

Mugwenu Doctors are known for their reliable and effective traditional healing services. They have helped many people across Kenya and beyond with issues related to love, health, protection, and more. Their services include casting spells, performing rituals, and creating charms, all designed to address various life problems.

One of their popular services is the marriage and love spell, which can help:

- Rekindle passion and romance in your relationship

- Resolve conflicts and misunderstandings with your partner

- Increase your partner’s loyalty and commitment

- Protect your marriage from external threats

- Attract the right partner if you are single

The marriage and love spell aims to strengthen the bond between partners by aligning their energies and desires. It can also remove negative influences or obstacles affecting your relationship.

Mugwenu Doctors offer their services at an affordable fee of 3,000 shillings, with a money-back guarantee if you are not satisfied. Unlike some fraudulent practitioners who charge exorbitant fees for ineffective solutions, Mugwenu Doctors provide honest and genuine help.

Don’t let your relationship suffer due to scams. Contact Mugwenu Doctors for effective solutions to your marriage problems and enhance your relationship with your partner. They are available 24/7 and can be reached at +254 740 637 248 or through their website at [Mugwenu Doctors](

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