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Shocking! How My Wife Bewitched Me and Took My Ksh 2 Million Loan

One day, while I was at a pub enjoying a football match, my wife came across the loan application form and the house plans I had bought from a construction company. This was the beginning of a series of events that would completely change my life.
When I got home that evening, my wife was furious. She bombarded me with a barrage of questions. She wanted to know why I was focusing so much on my mother and not making her happy. I tried to explain that my mother was getting older, and it was important for me to replace her old mud house with a better, permanent one. But my wife wasn’t convinced. She insisted that I should also build a house for her mother.

According to her, since we got married, I had not done anything for her family, and all my money seemed to be going only to my side of the family.

Feeling the tension, I tried to calm her down. I said, “I understand your concern. Let me finish this project first, and I will definitely plan to build a house for your mother next year.” However, my wife wasn’t satisfied. She started accusing me of having an affair. She claimed she had found photos of another woman on my phone and said that she had caught me in a compromising position with our house girl. To avoid further arguments, I decided to go to bed early that night.

For the next two weeks, my wife kept bringing up these issues. Despite the constant arguments, I continued with my plans. I went to find a contractor for the house and also visited a Bazaar where I spotted a Mazda Demio that I wanted to buy. Meanwhile, my wife planned a visit to her mother’s home. I assumed it was just a regular visit and asked her not to stay away for too long.

When my wife was away, I started feeling very strange. It was as if my memory was failing me. I could not remember things properly. The first day was manageable, but soon, I began to forget even simple tasks. I would plan to go to the bathroom but end up forgetting and watching TV instead. I found myself laughing uncontrollably for no reason, and I could only remember my wife. The last thing I recall was giving her all my ATM cards when she returned home.

As a result of my condition, I couldn’t go to work. My wife had to take care of everything, and I was left at home. Strangely, I started feeling an intense fear of my wife. Whenever I heard her voice, I would shrink back in fear.

For seven months, I was in this state. My wife used this opportunity to spend all the money I had saved in the bank. I wasn’t aware of what was happening around me—only my basic senses seemed to be functioning, while my brain was completely inactive.

One morning, my mother came to visit us. She was heartbroken to see my condition. This led to a confrontation with my wife, though I was clueless about the cause of the argument. Suddenly, a vehicle arrived, and I was taken to Bungoma, leaving my wife behind in Nairobi.

In Bungoma, my mother took me to see Dr. Mugwenu, a traditional herbalist. It was here that I began to regain my senses. When I was finally able to understand what had happened, I learned from my mother that my wife had visited a traditional healer in Kathwenzeni. She had used witchcraft to manipulate me so that she could spend the loan money. When I checked my bank account, I was shocked to find that out of the Ksh 2.3 million I had, only Ksh 103,201 was left.

Last month, I decided to divorce my wife and move away from Nairobi. I am grateful to my mother for rescuing me and to Dr. Mugwenu for helping me regain my mental clarity.

If you are facing similar issues or other family problems, you can contact Dr. Mugwenu for assistance. His contact details are as follows:

- Phone Number: +254740637248
- Email Address:
- Website: [](

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