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"We Heard Strange Voices" Neighbours Narrates How Kisumu Teacher Struggled To Strangle Her Own Baby Who Was Struggling To Breath

The incident has raised serious questions about mental health, family dynamics, and societal pressures on women.On June 8, 2024, the mother reportedly tried to suffocate her infant in their home. 

Neighbors heard strange noises and rushed to the house, where they found the mother in distress and the baby struggling to breathe. They quickly intervened, saving the child and calling the authorities. 

 They described the mother as a generally quiet and reserved person who had never shown signs of violence. However, some neighbors mentioned that she had been acting unusually stressed and withdrawn in recent weeks. 

It is suspected that she might have been suffering from postpartum depression, a serious mental health condition that affects some women after childbirth. This condition can cause severe mood swings, anxiety, and in extreme cases, thoughts of harming oneself or the baby.

The woman’s family has stated that she faced immense pressure from her partner and relatives. She was reportedly dealing with financial difficulties and lacked emotional support. 

This added to her feelings of isolation and helplessness, possibly contributing to her drastic actions. In many communities, young mothers often face overwhelming expectations and little support, leading to severe stress and mental health issues.

Following the incident, the mother was arrested and charged with attempted murder. She is currently undergoing psychological evaluation to determine her mental state at the time of the incident. 

The court will consider these findings in deciding her fate. Child protection agencies are also involved, focusing on the well-being of the baby and exploring options for their care.

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