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"It will Be Another Round Of Pounding Water Into Pot" Ruto's MPs Warns Gen-Z Against Participating in Ruto’s Dialogue Forum

She expressed doubts about the National Multi-Sectoral Forum (NMSF), labeling it a mere theatrical distraction.

In a statement, Wamuchomba argued that the government’s initiative, aimed at dialogue with various stakeholders, including youth representatives, would likely result in minimal impact. 

She pointed to previous reports, like the NADCO report, which she claimed achieved little and were left unaddressed by authorities.

The MP highlighted recent controversies, such as the fertilizer scandal, where farmers received substandard products under a government subsidy program. 

She criticized the lack of tangible outcomes from similar committees in the past, noting that youth issues require more than dialogue—they demand substantive action, potentially through constitutional reforms.

Addressing Generation Z directly, Wamuchomba urged them to seize what she termed as their "constitutional moment." 

She emphasized the need for youth to push for real change, citing past disillusionment and urging them not to be swayed by superficial dialogues that might not lead to meaningful outcomes.

President Ruto’s initiative aims to convene a 100-member steering committee comprising youth representatives and other stakeholders. 

However, Wamuchomba’s skepticism reflects broader concerns about whether such forums will deliver on promises made to Kenya's younger generation.

Critics argue that without concrete legislative action, dialogues risk becoming empty gestures. 

Wamuchomba’s stance also signifies a growing sentiment among youth and some lawmakers who believe that systemic change, rather than temporary discussions, is needed to address the country's pressing issues.

Whether they can translate dialogue into actionable policies that benefit Kenya’s youth will determine their success in the eyes of skeptics like Gathoni Wamuchomba.

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