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"I Have 2 Kids Walipita Sana Kimasomo, Wangependa Kujoin KDF. I'd be Happy Ukinisaidia" - Yesu Wa Tongaren's Wife Begs Ruto To Recruit Their 2 Kids Into KDF

Nabii Benjamini, the wife of the controversial preacher Eliud Wekesa Simiyu, popularly known as Yesu wa Tongaren, has made a heartfelt plea to President William Ruto and First Lady Rachel Ruto. 

During a media address on Friday, she asked them to help her two children join the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF).

Benjamini’s request came as the President visited Bungoma for the 61st Madaraka Day celebrations. She expressed her delight at the President’s visit, hoping that the First Family could be their saviors from poverty. 

Her two children have completed their education but, like many young Kenyans, they have struggled to find jobs.

“I am so happy after hearing that President William Ruto will be visiting Bungoma together with Mama Rachel Ruto,” Benjamini said. 

“I have two children who have already completed their education but they have not found anything to do. Wangependa kujoin kikosi cha KDF. I would be happy if you help me; mtakuwa mmenitoa katika shimo la umaskini na kuniweka kwa wale wanahesabika kama watu duniani.”

In her appeal, Benjamini emphasized how joining the KDF could transform their lives and change the perception of her family in the community. She mentioned that her children’s success would bring respect to her husband, known as the "Man of God."

“I don’t want people saying watoto wa Yesu, mara Yesu hasomeshi watoto. Wanasoma lakini mlango wa kuingia sioni,” she added. “Nimeona Rais Ruto na Mama wa Taifa ndio mlango ambao nimeona naweza ingilia wanisaidie.”

Beyond seeking employment for her children, Nabii Benjamini also called on the government to improve the infrastructure around their home. She highlighted the poor state of roads and the lack of electricity as major challenges they face daily.

“Pia stima ni shida, tunakaa tu kwa giza, ata kuenda kwa duka ni shida, kucharge simu ni shida. Tunawakaribisha na msaada wao tunauhitaji,” she stated. “Barabara ya kukuja kwa Yesu ni maporomoko tu..watu wakisema wakuje huku, watakuwa wanafree dance kwa sababu ya barabara mbaya.”

President Ruto was in Bungoma on Friday to lead the Madaraka Day celebrations at Masinde Muliro Stadium. 

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