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Aga Khan Hospital Sues Family Over Unpaid Ksh 3m Bill For Sick Child Suffering From Meningitis

A hospital in Kenya called Aga Khan University Hospital is taking a family to court because they haven't paid a big bill. The bill is for 3 million Kenyan shillings, which is a lot of money.

The hospital says the bill is for a sick child who had a bad illness called TB Meningitis. This child had to stay in the hospital for a long time to get better. 

The hospital tried to help the family by reducing the bill. At first, the bill was 24 million shillings, but the hospital made it smaller to 3 million shillings.Even with the smaller bill, the family still hasn't paid it. The hospital tried to talk to the family many times. 

They even asked the family if they could move the sick child to another hospital that might be cheaper. But the family said no. They want to keep the child at Aga Khan University Hospital.

The hospital says not getting the money is making it hard for them to do their job. They need the money to pay for things like medicine and equipment to help other sick people.

Now, the hospital and the family have to go to court. The court wants them to try to solve the problem without going to court. They will talk about it on July 28th, 2024.

This situation shows how hard it can be for families when someone gets very sick. Hospitals need money to take care of people, but sometimes families can't pay the big bills. It's important for hospitals and families to talk to each other and try to find a solution that works for everyone.

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