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"We Met Online" Heartbroken Groom Discovers Bride He Married Is a Man Who Is also In A Relationship 12 Days after Wedding

AK and Adinda on their wedding day and the 'wife' in his normal self (r). Photos: Mail Online.
Source: UGC

A 26-year-old Indonesian man, known as AK, recently experienced a shocking revelation that turned his world upside down. Just twelve days after his wedding, AK discovered that his bride, Adinda Kanza, was actually a man named ESH. 

The couple's story began on Instagram in 2023, where they met and began their year-long relationship. During their courtship, Adinda always wore a niqab, a traditional Muslim veil that covers the face, which AK believed signified her devoutness.

Adinda's consistent use of the niqab during their in-person meetings never raised AK's suspicions. He trusted that she was a devoted Muslim woman. After dating for a year, they decided to marry in a small ceremony at AK's home. 

Adinda claimed to have disowned her family, adding to the illusion of a dramatic love story. However, soon after their wedding on April 12, AK began to notice strange behavior from his new wife.

Adinda avoided intimacy, citing illness and claiming to be on her period. Additionally, she refused to interact with AK's family and remained in her niqab even at home. These behaviors made AK suspicious, prompting him to investigate further.

Determined to uncover the truth, AK tracked down Adinda's former address. To his astonishment, he discovered that Adinda's parents were alive and well. 

When he confronted them, AK learned that Adinda was actually their son, ESH, who had been cross-dressing since 2020. The parents were unaware of their son's relationship, let alone his marriage.

The revelation left AK heartbroken and confused. He approached the police, who arrested ESH on charges of fraud. ESH confessed that his intention was to marry AK and steal his family's assets. 

The authorities noted that ESH had not only adopted the appearance of a woman but also had a gentle voice and tone, making the deception even more convincing. If convicted, ESH could face up to four years in prison.

In another, related story from Nairobi, Monica Wambui Kamau discovered her husband's secret relationship with his male friend, further emphasizing the complexities and surprises that can arise in relationships. 

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