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"He Is A Serial Law Breaker" Mentally ill Nyandarua Dad Takes His Kids to Nyandarua Forest, Kills Son, 3, and Tortures 2 Daughters

Chege Kahuhia, a local resident, has been accused of murdering his 3-year-old son and severely torturing his two daughters, aged two and three.

Villagers are in shock as details emerge about Kahuhia’s actions. Known to some as a "serial law breaker," Kahuhia is suspected of having serious mental health issues, which may have driven him to commit these horrifying acts. 

According to eyewitnesses, Kahuhia forcibly took his three children from their home and led them to a secluded house in a nearby forest. There, he subjected them to torture and ultimately killed his young son.

The tragic events came to light after the suspect confessed to the crimes. The children's mother is devastated, struggling to comprehend the pain and suffering her children endured. 

Neighbors and community members are equally distraught, expressing their grief and anger over the tragedy.

Police have detained Kahuhia at Njambini Police Station. He is set to undergo a psychological evaluation to determine his mental condition before facing charges of murder and attempted murder. This evaluation is crucial to understand his mental state and the role it played in the crime.

Local leaders have been vocal about the need for justice. Faith Gitau, the county Woman Representative, visited the grieving family and called for severe punishment for Kahuhia. 

"The suspect should be taken to court and sentenced for life for committing this offense," she declared, emphasizing the need for accountability.

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