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"He Didn't Give Me Anything" Man Who Received Ksh 100K From His Mpesa From Stranger By Mistake Reverses It Back, Laments After Owner Failed To Reward Him

One young man from Nairobi, Kenya, has proven that integrity still holds great value. Meet Marto Muriithi, a student who found himself in an unexpected situation when he received Ksh 100,000 through M-Pesa, only to realize it was sent to him by mistake.

The sender? A Member of Parliament. The amount? A hefty sum that could have easily tempted anyone to keep it. But Marto's moral compass pointed him in a different direction.

Instead of succumbing to the temptation of keeping the money, Marto made a decision that set him apart from many others. He chose honesty over personal gain. With a clean conscience and a desire to uphold his integrity, Marto promptly returned the money to its rightful owner.

In an interview with Updater, Marto revealed his motivation behind returning the money. "I am a clean soul, have an image to keep, and I believe karma can deal with you," he stated. His actions speak volumes about his character and the values instilled in him.

However, Marto's story takes an unexpected turn. Despite his act of honesty, he did not receive any reward or acknowledgment from the Member of Parliament. Instead, he found himself in a situation where he received a mere fraction of the amount he returned, accompanied by a request to use it for fuel.

This turn of events begs the question: Should acts of honesty go unrewarded? Marto's experience highlights the discrepancy between moral principles and societal expectations. While he remained steadfast in his integrity, the lack of recognition or appreciation for his actions raises concerns about the reinforcement of ethical behavior in society.

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